
Portrait photos for FREE!

Yes, as you may have seen most photos I have published have been related to either sports or scenery. There is an empty chair to fill – I have decided to build up a more comprehensive portfolio of portraits. I have decided to give away the photo event, the shoot FOR FREE. You only pay for any images you want, and even there I give a 30% discount for those of you who have “Liked” my Facebook page. This proposal is valid through November 2015, for private and not for commercial use and for the good shots that we make (of course we will 🙂 ), I might use them in the portfolio on my website.

If you find this an interesting proposition, drop me a mail and we can take a discussion from there. My mail is: goran (at) dignephoto (dot) com

Spinning profile photo – photoshoot

This weekend I spent a few hours in a spinning gym shooting profile shots. Had the opportunity to also try out my portable studio backdrop. The good thing with the backdrop is that you don’t get to see all disturbing things around the actual shoot. But the bad thing is also you lose some (all?) of the atmosphere in the room – you might as well shoot it in your favorite studio, but then… I don’t have a spinning cycle in my studio… yet. 🙂

I told the boys that you cannot use all pictures as profile pictures in the invitation to your class – you will scare people off. Unless it’s a class for endurance threshold training. Anyway, it was great fun. 🙂